SALAM ALEKUM, It’s great to see or hear from you. if you are experiencing some social and emotional difficulties, fear, anxiety; pain and stress, grief or traumatized and you feel exhausted and weak. Please seek help and support of a Muslim therapist from Ruh Care.
At Ruh Care, Fatai is a Muslim therapist that would be glad to get alongside you to a journey of quick recovery. He’s a certified professional psychologist with master’s degree in managerial psychology from University of Ibadan since 1999. A registered professional member of Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association CCPA in good standing; and a registered and certified member of International Association of Therapists IAOTH in good standing. Leverages on 20+years experience. Provides Psychotherapeutic services, helping individuals, workers, students and groups from diverse backgrounds. Supported individuals in addressing mental health issues, psycho-social and emotional difficulties and in dealing with the ups and downs and the challenges of life; and management of in-adequacies in human life.
You can expect great interpersonal relationship, good rapport, respect humour and insightful conversations during the sessions. Fatai is compassionate and caring professional; client-centred with full commitments to uphold the professional and Islamic values, faith and holistic spirituality required of a Muslim therapist dealing with mental health issues. He combines Psychological principles with Islamic values, faith and Ar-Ruqyah ashar’iyyah as holistic and spiritualism approach to various therapeutics for chronic mental disorders.