Marriage & Family Therapist
Contracted Therapist at
Soulace Therapy
The Woodlands, Texas
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakatuh
Allah has given each of us unique tests and challenges throughout our life here. Your tests were carefully chosen for you by The One who is moulding you into who you were created to be. We are here to learn how to overcome our obstacles and ultimately return to our fitra.
He is not one to burden a soul more than it’s capacity. I believe that Allāh has already placed the strength within you to strive towards what you are seeking. Therapy is a space that can aid in unlocking that potential.
My name is Ayesha. I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist- Associate, supervised by Sadia Jalali, LMFT-S.
I specialize in Muslim marriage and family health (and the cultural issues that often come with). Whether I’m working with you individually or in the context of a relationship, I mainly work from a systemic, attachment, solution focused, and Islamically integrated base.
I strive to give my clients a therapy experience that stems from up-to-date psychology and wellness research, as well as from the rich sea of wisdom already present within our Islamic tradition. I am continuously growing in my competency as a clinician and as a believer to better ensure I carefully curate each client’s therapy journey to what their soul is in need of.
Together, we can help you strive to create the life you envision, one that is even more conducive to pleasing our loving Creator.
may you be under the protection and guidance of The Most Merciful.
Email me at to schedule