Ayesha Kazmi is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, practicing in Vienna, Virginia. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Family Studies from the University of Maryland College Park and her Master of Social Work from Howard University.
Ms. Kazmi’s practice focuses on individual and couples counseling services for the Muslim community. Her approach incorporates tangible and intangible aspects of spirituality, as appropriate, into therapeutic process. Her work with married couples places a strong emphasis on communication, life experiences, and understanding of one’s own expectation. She places special emphasis on pre-marital counseling as a means of preparing couples for married life.
Ms. Kazmi has acquired a broad range of social work experience in her over 15 years as a social worker, including housing and crisis intervention, health care access counseling, substance abuse counseling, grief and illness counseling, and in-patient pediatric and neonatal social work. Ms. Kazmi also has extensive experience in Muslim youth leadership training and development work.